
Ladies I do have a wonderful swimsuit tip for you today. If you are the type who simply will not be caught dead in a swimsuit bottom this is for you. Personally, I know many women who limit their swimsuit wear to when they are lying in the lounge chair. They refuse to parade around in a swimsuit. Perfectly understandable. When you are insecure about your body or simply do not look good in a swimsuit anymore, it is unlikely you will wear one unless there is no other choice.

Most women know that a swimsuit with a boyshort style is one of the most modest types of swimsuits. The only problem is that boy shorts tend to be low slung, and awful looking on a woman with short legs. They cut the legs even shorter at the shorts, and can make you look heavier. They cover the bulges, but can actually give you the appearance of a long torso and short legs! Well I have a secret if you are looking for the modesty of a short, but don’t look good in a boy short style swimwear. The secret is yoga shorts!

Yoga shorts tend to be fabulous stretchy material and further more they are more slender making than a swim boy short. Usually the waste is higher (fixing the torso problem and elongating the legs) and the material is structured to form you and make you look thin. There is also more coverage. You can get a tight fitting size or a large size. Yoga shorts that are black are very slenderizing and look absolutely great with a bright colored swimsuit top that draws attention upward. Try a red or hot pink color, something dazzling. You will lose 10 pounds immediately. You can saunter to the snack stand, or for a drink and not be embarrassed or insecure about hanging out of a bikini or one piece. But you will still look beach appropriate and fit right in.

Try these fabulous yoga shorts from B Fly Active Wear online. They are super sexy and you can use them for your beach look not just for yoga. The moisture wicking fabric that works for sweat also works for the hot sun at the beach or pool. Absolutely great fit, and a perfect slenderizing alternative to the booty short swimsuit that does not give you the skinny appearance you desire!

Boy short swimsuit, try yoga shorts with a bright swim top

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